Seminar Series on Atmospheric Science

Why a new seminar series?

The main purpose of this seminar series is to showcase SIO atmospheric science to the larger Scripps and UCSD community. Since a great deal of this work is interdisciplinary, and potentially of broad appeal, we wish to provide a forum for fruitful interaction among interested scientists and students.
While the focus of this series is currently on the investigations of SIO researchers, our eventual goal is to expand its scope to include the important atmospheric science being performed at nearby institutions such as UCLA, UC Irvine, and CalTech. We hope for an enthusiatic participation, and we are confident that raising the profile of atmospheric science in this way will have benefits felt across the wide spectrum of research activities which are represented at SIO.
We look forward to your help in this project.

For any comments on the seminar or to propose for a seminar, contact Chris Weaver or Remy Roca.

For any comments on the web server, contact Webmaster. Back to the current seminar page.